
Exceptional Above Average Below Average Needs Improvement
Student Lecturer
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Picture of Haley Garcia
Role : Lecturer

Date: 2023-07-29 15:10:52

Name: Haley Garcia

Rating: Exceptional

Reason For Rating: The Platform has revolutionized extracurricular engagement. It facilitates seamless interaction between students and lecturers, enhancing team building and activity coordination. These factors very beneficial as they help our students grow.

Picture of Lisa Boyle
Role : Lecturer

Date: 2023-08-17 15:44:14

Name: Lisa Boyle

Rating: Exceptional

Reason For Rating: I think the application is good as it showcases impressive features, improving extracurricular coordination. However, for it become great and to improve its performance further additional customization options are needed.

Picture of Tammy Young
Role : Lecturer

Date: 2023-07-29 15:10:52

Name: Tammy Young

Rating: Below Average

Reason For Rating: While the application is good as it connects students and lecturers to extracurricular activities. Further improvements are required including integration with existing applications so that it can be accessed easily.